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Staying 'Awake' isn't hard in this apocalyptic nightmare

Sep 06, 2023

From left, Lucius Hoyos as Noah, Gina Rodriguez as Jill Adams and Ariana Greenblatt as Matilda in "Awake."

If the end-of-the-world genre seems downright somnambulant lately, "Awake" is jolting proof a fiendishly clever twist can shake it from its doldrums.

In the effectively made, low-key but laser-focused thriller, something like a global electromagnetic pulse fries all electronics on Earth — and rewires humans so they can't sleep. At all. Ever.

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Gina Rodriguez stars as Jill, left, and Ariana Greenblatt stars as Matilda in "Awake." Rodriguez plays an ex-soldier and recovering addict, a widow trying to make ends meet and show up for her kids. When people realize they can't sleep, eveything disintegrates around them..

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