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Kentucky Three

Jun 02, 2023

The Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event cross-country course for this year's event (27–30 April) is designed by Derek di Grazia and there are 28 numbered obstacles.

The track is 6520m long and the optimum time is 11 minutes 26 seconds.

Fence 1: Red, White and Bluegrass

Fence 2: Cedar Lodge

The water spray is part of the ground preparations and will not be there when horses are on course.

Fence 3: Meadow Oxer

Side view of fence three with MIMclips on the front rail and frangible pins on the back rail

Fence 4abc: Mars Sustainability Bay

Fence 4a

Fence 4b direct route

Fence 4c

Fence 4b long route

Fence 5: Le Chameau Leap

Fence 6abcd: Park Question

Fence 6a direct route

Fence 6b direct route

Fence 6c direct route

Fence 6d direct route

Fence 6a long route

Fences 6b and 6c long route

Fence 6d long route

Fence 7: Fox's Den

Fence 7 from the side

Fence 8abc: Equestrian Events Trifecta

Fence 8a

Side view of fence 8a

Fence 8b direct route

Fence 8c direct route

Fence 8b long route

Fence 8c long route

Fence 9: Ditch Brush

Side view of fence 9

Fence 10abcd: Rolex Grand Slam Challenge

Fence 10a

Fence 10bc direct route

Fence 10d direct route

Fence 10b long route

Fence 10cd long route

Fence 11: Mick's Picnic Table

Fence 12abc: Pete's Hollow

Fence 12a

View over fence 12a into the hollow

Fence 12b

Fence 12c

Fence 13: Blade and Bow Bourbon Table

Fence 14ab: Narrow Knolls

Fence 14a, showing the mounds on which these fences sit

Fence 14a

Fence 14b

Fence 15: Wofford Rails

Side view of fence 15, again with MIMclips and frangible pins

Fences 16abc, 17 and 18abc: Defender Head of the Lake

Fence 16a

Fence 16bc direct route

Fence 16b long route

Fence 16c long route

Fence 17

Fence 18a direct route

Fence 18bc direct route

Fence 18a long route

Fence 18b long route

Fence 18c long route

Fence 19: Creekside Oxer

Side view of fence 19

Fences 20ab and 21: Normandy Bank

Fence 20a

Fence 20b

Fence 21

Fence 22: Stairway Table

Side view of fence 22

Fence 23abc: Cosequin Cove

Fence 23a

View over fence 23a to the water and fences 23b and 23c

Fence 23b direct route

Fence 23c

Fence 23b long route

Fence 24: Ditch n’ Roll

Fence 25: Market Table

Side view of fence 25

Fence 26: Lincoln Lodge

Fence 27ab: Angled Trakehners

Fence 27a – riders can jump the left or right-hand fence

Fence 27b – again riders have a choice of which fence to take on

Fence 28: Lucky Horseshoe

Pictures by John Kyle

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Fence 1: Fence 2: Fence 3: Fence 4abc: Fence 5: Fence 6abcd: Fence 7: Fence 8abc: Fence 9: Fence 10abcd: Fence 11: Fence 12abc: Fence 13: Fence 14ab: Fence 15: Fences 16abc, 17 and 18abc: Fence 19: Fences 20ab and 21: Fence 22: Fence 23abc: Fence 24: Fence 25: Fence 26: Fence 27ab: Fence 28: