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Did You Know? It’s Illegal To Cool Down Your Car in Washington State

Apr 29, 2023

Wait, what?

Lemme explain.

Now that temperatures are rising faster than the rent, you're just trying to find your air conditioned sanctuary where you can breathe normally without panting like a dog in heat (no pun intended). Being in the heat is sometimes welcome if you're at the beach or a tropical climate but when you're just getting your shopping done at the grocery store the last thing you wanna do is get out of your car with your t-shirt drenched with a Rorschach test design made of sweat on your back and burnt fingers from trying to buckle your seatbelt that has been baking in direct heat.

So how can you prevent this?

Well, one idea would be if you know you're about to step in your own personal driving sauna but still have to get ready for a bit, you could start the car and let the AC do its magic for a few minutes before you step in. Ahh, yes. Imagine! While the sun is literally cooking everyone else it'll be like you're in your own fridge on wheels.

However, I'm afraid to say, it's illegal.Yep!

According to Title 46, Chapter 46.61 RCW 46.61.600 Unattended motor vehicle:

(1) No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, removing the key and effectively setting the brake thereon and, when standing upon any perceptible grade, turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway.

If this sounds familiar, yes, this is the same rule that applies to warming up your car in the summer months. I'm sorry to say it works the other way around, too.

It's perfectly okay to blast the AC while you're in the car waiting for it to cool down, but you can't just start your car, turn on the AC, and walk away with your car still running.

It is for your own safety, but I totally get it.

Wait, what? So how can you prevent this? illegal WARNING: